Wednesday, November 30, 2005
the clarice tag.
thanks to clarice the thunderthighs. i have to do this now ! .
5 random things about me.
1. i have never played so many rounds of photo until today. 90+ rounds in total consecutively. quite an achievement considering i nv manage to get past 10+ rounds on the normal photo hunts ! hahahs..
2. i havent reached a lamepeak for eons already. i hope this is not a sign that i'm failing. noeees. it is nice to try and get the lamepeak once in awhile. though i must admit this is highly fuelled by sarah chong xin'en. look ! i rmbed the apostrophe! =D
3. i absolutely hate lady's fingers. i have nv eaten one in my whole life. but i just hate it lols.
4. someone brought the yoghurtty sweets this morning for exco meeting. cant rmb who wassit...shuiyong ar? cant rmb hurhur..but it was nice..hahas..the chocolate and yoghurt one someone brought back from overseas last yr...i think it was shuxian hahas..saw it in cold storage a while back whee !
5. i have a craving for cheesecake.
passing this onto...
sarah ( i wonder if she has done this. since she's so junky and all)
lunz finished ranting at 11:58 PM
Monday, November 28, 2005
of thunderthighs and lols.
haha rather late entry lols
so chalet lasted through the previous wkend..was a pretty mundane one i s'pose ..but like everyone said..twas nice seeing everyone together again...thunderthighs to make fun of and the many trips to macdonalds and 7-11 hahas..
was pretty nice tt choy and ho made it to the chalet hahas..tons of gossip flew around hahas..of many teachers..mostly of those who left..actually mostly just one hahahs..
kayaking should be the highlight of the whole stay i guess hahas..all the way out into the sea and the view of the city skyline from afar hahas..not too bad a view..
photos lazy to put up..mav has them all on shutterfly hahas..waiting for mr choy to put up his own pics too! hahas..
so met up with cat on friday for her COOL project. Change Outlook Of Life hahas....the one tt failed terribly with ahmeng lols..went around looking at bags and didnt get anything in the end though ...ahha...however we did eat alot lols! lunched at PS food court again hahaas...the indonesian thing really rocks la lols..then there were desserts at food republic hahas..the mango with pomelo damnn good lols...dimsum too! lols..
dinner was a ride down to nydc fer some baked pasta hahas..saw susan goh there ..poor ahmeng must be feeling damn geked now the end we settled down at tcc for some drinks before heading home lols..whee! lazy to upload photos..must be the weather HAHA..
lunz finished ranting at 5:06 PM
Monday, November 21, 2005
1905 SL 2005
whee had SL at the childcare centre at bukit panjang. so darn thrilled with the location. cos i can wake at about 730 while everyone else wakes up at least one hr earlier first day picked up the hougang and beyond pple taking 190 and brought them over to the childcare centre haas..split into groups and was in charge of 4 kids in the group crunch! hahas.. hahas qian yu, aby , joseph and junqi lolols..
haha yupp and laura's , diana's, sarah's and wk's groups as well..hahahs..
took about 30 min to get to know the kids better and bond with them..hahas..taught them cheers too for the station games hahas..according to the teachers..they're especially high and hyper and naughty when other pple are around la lols..haha quite true larh..they really clamber all over u la..lols
played only one station game before we were interuptted by bathtime lols..everyone just rushed back to bathe la while they were bathing and we were entertaining them and helpin them dry off their wet hair..the cam went over to the K2s lol...
lols and the gamemasters were slackin away, readin newspapers while everyone was busy helpin them with mealtime and bathtime hahas.. hahas played more games after that and we started to get more and more tired lols..bringing them around and keeping them under control hahas..super tiring task lols..
hur the kids in a group photo during their games with 3 overgrown K1s hahahahhahas...
haha and a group pic of the gamemasters! lols..
hahas..after the games ..they had slptime..which is our mealtime! hahahas..tucked them in to slp hahas..made sure they were all aslp and went to the nearby coffeeshop fer lunch haahs..
and yep..all aslp hahas..
the kids had some art lessons after that and so we had an early day hahas...
day 2 was a really short day cos the kids had to go off for some concert thingie organised by ntuc that involves all the childcare centres i think we made cookies in the morning hahas..however, the day began abit like a horror movie cos the first picture of the day went something like this.. haha..random candid shots show the unexplored facets of pple. lols qinfang is a serial pouter! hahahah
haah the kids are quite hyper in the morning too and uber sensitive to the camera ..they'll just run up to u and start posing for shots la hahahas..future photowhores lololols.. took them a looooong time to get settled down for some reason. they just couldnt keep quiet and were bouncing everywhere la..hahaha..took the combined effort of us and the teachers to pacify them in the end..
after much pacifying and scolding..the cookie making finally began.. even then we had trouble keeping them orderly..they were budging and pushing to get to the front just to see serene prepare the mix hahas..took another scolding from the teacher before they eventually settled down again.
after which..the kids had some dough for themselves and began to mould them into various shapes hahas..the most popular were stuff like pokemon..gransazers..power rangers lolols.. haha they had chocolate and multicoloured rice too to decorate their cookies lols..we nicked some of them from the we're not greedy..we're just erm..hungry =) hahahaha..
eventually all of them were done and we popped their creations into the oven hahas.. whee then we realised the oven here was farrr too slow so we brought some over to the k2 side where they had the really big conventional oven put tgt the k2 masterpieces and the k1 creations..
a mishmash of burnt and not so burnt cookies hahahah!
so after tt the kids had some last minute rehearsals followed by bathtime and mealtime and we were more relaxed. so huaming decided to get me into the picture and we started taking weird photos hahahaa.. first there was the ghostly pic where jinrui the ghost hovered behind hahas.. then came the keatloong is really tall pic.
not satisfied..we came up with our we are very tall pic..haha poor jason haha..
lols that sorta marked the end of the 2nd day hahas...went to lot1 fer pizza hut meal with the class followed by the screening of harry potter! yayay...not bad la the show just that it was missing lotsa parts hahas..
the 3rd day was by far the longest day hahas..
the kids were already in the centre..playing with the cooking stuff hahas..that area has got to be the most popular area among all the kids cos they simply just love to cook and cook and play with all the woks and pots hahahas..
haha so we taught them the hi5 dance after they settled down..with sarah serene and qinfang as the dance instructors hahas.. so after teaching them..the kids had some freetime before going out fer their picnic and the mass dance item hahas..
haha water is v essential to the kids lols..before and after every event they must drink ALOT of water..hahas..the kids kept showing off their waterbottles to us hahas..all the bears..puppies..power rangers hahahas..
so it was abit of reading time before they kids moved off..
or rather beat up the monster called jinrui hahahahhaa.. whee after much waiting and beating and reading..the kids finally adjourned to the void deck hahahas..
haha the k1s and k2s took turns to dance lols..not perfect but entertaining enough though hahas...
haha monica v animated..the girl beside monica...super buttshaker hahahas...all the moves she made will see her shaking her butt in a v rhythmic fashion la...lolols...then the kids came tgt fer one bigggg mass dance whee..
after all the dancing..the kids finally had their outdoor meal! nuggets leh..lotsa leftovers sommore..hahaha wanted to nick some but decided not to hahaha =D
haha after that the kids went back for a bath and then settlled down to slp...and we finally went for our long awaited lunch hahahs..went back to the centre abit earlier to help with the making of gifts and uploading of photos hahas..
celebrated cheerneng's bdae after everyone woke up and the cake was UBER HUGE. 7kg i the form of ariel the little mermaid hahaas..everyone had a slice and soon it was the prize presentation ceremony after that SL 2005 was officially over and we all began to stream outta the centre hahas...
went to town for dinner and had a hell of an amazing race trying to give quality time to 2 particular pple LOLS...dined at fish and co haha..yayay seafood platter rocks! after that we created the tombstone for the food hahahas...difficult to explain in words lols...too bad the picture's not with me hahahas..
haha sl was fun fun fun! lolols..tiring but a realllll nice experience lols..
lunz finished ranting at 5:12 PM
Monday, November 14, 2005
where is ur handkerchief?!
this is sarah. she asks " DO YOU HAVE A HANDKERCHIEF?! "
that was our quote for the night la..for some reason sarah ( or tommy ) was exceptionally crazy over the handkerchief thing and whether it was washable ! hahahahs...
hahas...there was a miniouting to east coast ytd..met ching and macy at city hall after finishing the guitar exco meeting..haha took some time to find them cos there was just too many pple and i got stuck LOLS. we reached there ar 520. we thought we were like UBER SUPER DUPER late. but NO! liwen was the only one there...looking reallll bored hahahas..we stoned around bedok sitting down in beach wear. hahaha joke alert. cos liwen was in casual town wear and we were all in beach wear so liwen couldnt sit down...hahas..teased her about it all thruout our stay at bedok station la. haha..we got so bored waiting for SARAH AND QIUYING that we laughed at EVERYTHING!
things like the toilet smell...the hairstyle of the people around us...the old man's food..the station staff...lols..we were THAT BORED.
then finally the 2 cuckoos came. and guess what? no one knew how to get to ECP! so how ? haha we went to AIRPORT instead cos yueting was there anyway yepp off we went to the airport..hahas..decided to eat at swensens...but still bedok's mac was better HAHAHA ok inside joke hahas..
haha we all missed sarah's sarahda triangle so we took a long awaited shot of it ! haha
whoo totally equilateral! hahahahs..
lols we decided to be totally economical and ordered some catfish setmeal lols..sarah got so bored she actually almost fell aslp!
well there u go ! hahahahas...yueting wasnt very happy either...
hahahas..throughout the whole night..there were two perpetually high people around..high to the point of almost retardedness..lols! and our proud winners are ...
liwen and sarah!!! hahahas..after a reallly long wait ..all the dishes arrived yayay!!!
i realised everything was fish cept qiuying's burgers lolols..
so mealtime was fairly OK..until dessert came and well..liwen and sarah decided to come up with their own concoction of icecream hahahhas...consisting mainly of residual icecream...leftovers and sauces from everywhere! hahahs..
haha look at liwen's face..know why her expression like that? cos sarah was playin with her food and didnt notice the WAITRESS AT THE TABLE hahahas...poor sarah was desperately trying to look innocent after that haha FAILED!...
hahas..and of course we didnt miss out on the famous yueting's uhh-piak move! hahahas...
haha chinghow screams with intense pain! hahahas...
lol ching looks like he's saying dont hit me anymore ! hahahahs..
so after more icecream..what did they do? play with their HANDKERCHIEF! and more sauces! they began on the project..
and this is the end product!!!
haha a concoction of chilli sauce tomato sauce pepper and salt! hahahahas...with sarah herself endorsing the product!
then weird sarah pretended to have a nosebleed. i wonder why. she's just plain weird i guess...
lalala...and that concluded our day..and beginning the VERY LONG JOURNEY back home lols..very very long..hahas..amused ourselves on the train nonetheless and tricked liwen into believing we are involved in the new syllabus next yr HAHAHAHAHAHA. oh man total amusement hahas...
whee i love 76!
is your handkerchief washable?!
lunz finished ranting at 9:06 PM
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